Heartfulness meditation for everyone
Thanks to regular Heartfulness meditation, your mind will be focused on your center and reach deeper levels of feeling, intuition and consciousness. You will learn Heartfulness relaxation for physical and mental connection and peace. Heartfulness meditation on the source of light in your heart, will lead you deeper into yourself. Heartfulness cleansing is a simple method to detoxify the mind. At the end of the day, it is useful to get rid of stress and complex emotions and leave you with a feeling of lightness and freshness. Learn to connect with your inner self by listening to the voice of the heart. Follow your deepest feelings, make wise decisions and shape your destiny. Meditation is suitable for complete beginners and advanced

What can meditation change for you?
- Less stress and fatigue
- Better sleep
- More trust and hope
- Strengthening the inner voice
- Better concentration
- Better relationships
- Positive thinking

Practical & effective techniques...
- Heartfulness relaxation
- Heartfulness regeneration
- Traditional meditation
- Detox techniques
- Anger detox
- Stress detox
- Detox fear
- Breathing exercises and more...

Where do we meet?
- Regular hours of relaxation & meditation are every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m
- These meditations are a form of ecology DARU or voluntary contribution
- The center is right in the center of Bratislava
- Anyone over the age of 15 can participate in these meditations

8 week course - Science of meditation
Experienced certified trainers of the Heartfulness Institute lead 8-week courses "The Science of Meditation". The courses are focused on relaxation and meditation techniques, combined with scientific studies of the benefits of meditation on the human body. Scientific studies can be an enriching part for everyone and a benefit in any area of our lives. meditation practice The course consists of a theoretical part (15 min.) and a practical part (45 min.) There is room for questions in the course Courses are conducted for a recommended voluntary contribution
If you would be interested in such programs in your company, school or company, do not hesitate to contact us.
Our certified trainers in Bratislava
CMW Terézia Makovcová
Mgr. Szabina Nemethová
Mgr. Barbara Sonvilla