"I motivate people to change and help solve dilemmas. "

Marek Rattaj – coaching, therapy, counseling
I am an expert in guiding through difficult changes. Coaching is a motivational empathetic conversation between the client and the coach, focused on finding solutions and not on digging into problems. With this approach, I help to understand changes and motivate to change in difficult situations. We live in a time when there are a lot of profound changes, be it work, financial or partnership, health, family, etc. As a coach, mentor and consultant, I will also help you in the field of business, personal and spiritual development, health and sports.

It is a very pleasant, calming and relaxing healing with the laying on of hands (REIKY) and sending universal intelligent healing energy. It is very suitable for healing physical, mental and mental problems. The client lies on a couch, relaxes and listens to a recording of meditation to support healing. I combine this therapy with Pranic healing to increase the effect. Pranic healing is a safe method for working with prana, the life energy that every living being has. It increases performance and reduces stress. It is advisable to combine energy treatment with massage. More at https://pranichealing.sk/ and http://www.reiki.sk/
Massage for longevity is my unique work. It is a combination of several therapeutic techniques. Taoist massage for the proper functioning of organs, classical massage, energy healing with the touch of Reiki hands and soft techniques. Permanent stress and fear shorten our lives whether you realize it or not. Longevity massage goes deep into the essence. Heals the soul, harmonizes body and mind, prolongs life.
Iterative coaching
Hatha Yoga Teacher
Hatha Yoga for Fitness
Universal Healing Tao
Pranic Healing
Individual accredited massage course
Therapy on the road with Brandon Bays
Ethics and Etiquette
Communication skills and negotiation
Manipulation, coercion and deception in professional practice

Neviete nájsť správne odpovede, ak ste pod tlakom v rozhovore?
Cítite neistotu a nízke sebavedomie pri zadávaní a delegovaní úloh v tíme?
Trápia vás myšlienky? : “Nie som dosť dobrý manažér”, “Nie som odborník na ....”, Zažívate frustráciu, pasivitu alebo hnev v práci?
Vadí vám manipulatívne až agresívne správanie iných?
Chcete nájsť vnútorný pokoj aj v napätom rozhovore?